Introduction game

introductie studenten
  • Business
  • Collaborative
  • Gamification
  • Schools

Recruiting & Introducing Students

Make a razor-sharp first impression with an interactive tool.

The recruitment and introduction of new students is a tough challenge for educational institutions. It is an important task to properly inform students in an innovative and catchy way. But how do you succeed in giving potential and prospective students the right image of the program?

Give the introduction a playful touch and take the students on an interactive quest through their new school. The focus is on fun, interaction and informing. Using the latest technologies, we create challenging puzzles, riddles and fun assignments.

At UP Digital we like short lines and a simple process. Based on your information and objectives we start working on all questions and layouts. With our platform we can switch quickly. The results are transparent to you and can be followed online. This is how we make the best onboarding games there are.

Introduction game includes

Starter Package

  • Intake & brainstorming
  • Elaborate script
  • Content creation (including location visit & 3 in-game videos)
  • Production & fine tuning
  • Live!

Credit price

We work with one-time start-up costs. So we develop personalized game content, videos and schedule script, brainstorm and test sessions. After delivery, we work with a credit price. With a credit, one person can play and also a group. As long as it is done on 1 device.

The credit price includes support, hosting and updates.  If you don’t play, you don’t pay. Well so transparent!

Twice a year we look at your data, adjustments and improvements (also when new features are released in our software).

This way we also make sure everything stays up to date for new updates of phones/operating systems and the game experience stays up to date!

Example trajectory Introduction game

  • brainstorm about the need, problem statement
  • collect content
  • place content in tool
  • testing & improving details
  • successful integration and experience

Introduction game

UP Digital helps you with your own tailor-made introduction game. We would like to tell you more about the case of the course Commercial Economics – HvA. They chose to let new students explore the Business Campus and its surroundings by means of a tailor-made introduction game.

Innovative and impactful

Armed with a smartphone, students engage with each other. The newcomers get an energetic kickoff, have fun, possibly compete with each other and come up with valuable insights. Using proven gamification techniques, a personalized and interactive tool provides:

  • Clear and impactful introduction
  • Social interaction and playful learning through game elements
  • Commitment and curiosity
  • A scalable, quality process to get up and running quickly